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State Plan Committee/IFP Selection Committee

TIME:                         1:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m. (EDT) LOCATION:               Zoom PURPOSE:                Selection Committee Meeting for IFP #2022-AS-7000 For information on participating in this meeting call Sheila Gritz-Swift at (800) 580-7801. Please Note:       Agenda times are approximate and the group will adjourn at the end of business. Zoom Link                    This Zoom meeting […]

Aging Caregivers Task Force & State Alliance Team Members Meeting

TIME:                         3:00- 5:00 pm LOCATION:               Zoom PURPOSE:                To discuss the NACDD Project of National Significance Grant – Bridging the Disability and Aging Networks For information on participating in this meeting call Valerie Breen at (800) 580-7801. Please Note:       Agenda times are approximate and the group will adjourn at the end of business. […]

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